Dawn Rises the sequel to The Divide Series brings us hope after fifteen years of despair. When all rights were taken away from women, children, and anyone who was not rich and white. The suburbs and small towns destroyed, the rich walled themselves into the upper town with clean water, electricity, heat, domes that kept the city air clean, and pushed everyone else into the lower towns to live in tenements designed to house multiple families, though women were no longer allowed out of the house or even to meet, and men of different races no longer mixed.
But all had the same fate, at six the boys were all taken away to apprentice, and at fifteen into the military. If they survived fifteen years in the military most were given a wife and a job in the company owned factories.
But a prophecy was to be fulfilled according to Rebecca’s words as she died for to give them a chance, that a girl child would be born who would be able to draw in the magic that would free the world.
How and what happens is in Dawn Rises the sequel to this dystopian series. It might be a future we face. It is a cautionary tale.
The author gives hope for humanity, at least some of humanity.
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Dawn Rises: Book Three if the Divide
This third book in the dystopian series The Divide, tells the story of the fulfilling of the Prophecy and the struggles of Jewell and father Ben along with friends old and new to escape the deplorable life and conditions they had been given. The story is full of strength and focus and portrays what love and honor can conquer against evil and corruption. The author writes with passion and care for humanity that makes this book one that draws you into it until the last word. I could hardly put the book down until I was finished. I highly recommend the entire Divide series.
This third book in the dystopian series The Divide, tells the story of the fulfilling of the Prophecy and the struggles of Jewell and father Ben along with friends old and new to escape the deplorable life and conditions they had been given. The story is full of strength and focus and portrays what love and honor can conquer against evil and corruption. The author writes with passion and care for humanity that makes this book one that draws you into it until the last word. I could hardly put the book down until I was finished. I highly recommend the entire Divide series.
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